Counter Strike

<span class='wpmi-mlabel'>Counter Strike</span>
  • Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Version: 1.6
  • Size: 265MB
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Counter Strike is a great tactical action game that involves two teams fighting against each other using whatever they have in hands, mostly guns. Each team has a mission and they have to complete it to win the game.

It is a team-based multiplayer game where every player has to choose which team he or she wants to be a part of, the terrorist or counter-terrorist team. A good teamwork is crucial in winning a match, but very often individual skill becomes the key element of victory in public servers.


Download Counter Strike

In Counter Strike, though it is mostly about kill or be killed, you don’t have to eliminate every single enemy to win as tracking an enemy can be difficult sometimes.

If a member of the terrorist team plants a bomb without a proper backup, for example, the counter terrorist team can kill that one enemy and then defuse the bomb. It will be a victory to counter terrorist team if they can defuse the bomb in time even though there are still enemies left.

The same applies to terrorist team. Instead of spending time on hunting down enemies, they should plant the bomb when the time is right. The chance of failure is too high when it is done too early without waiting for teammates to provide a backup. The instant the bomb is planted, enemies will focus their attention on the bomb location. They will concentrate their attacks to that place.

The situation above often happens in public servers in which players from all over the world join the game. Since the players do not know each other, the teamwork is rarely ideal. Many terrorists even hide until the time limit ends instead of going all out to complete the mission. Typically it is because either fear or wanting to keep their guns for the next round.

In each round players can buy guns. There are several guns but not every gun is available for purchase. It depends on how much money a player has. Players who belong to a team that has been losing several times in a row usually lack money to buy rifles, so they have to survive with a handgun and several items like grenades, flashbangs, and smoke grenades.

When it comes to pistols, many players are fond of Desert Eagle that has a good accuracy at long range, a powerful appearance, and a high amount of damage. In the hands of an expert, one shot is enough to take down an enemy.

Counter Strike Free Download for Windows

Counter Strike is known to be a highly addictive game. Many players find themselves hard to stop even after hours of playing. When they die in a battle, they are always tempted to play one more round. It is pretty easy to lose time when playing this game.

The system requirements for playing Counter Strike are lower than today’s standard. Just make sure you have a good internet connection to join a server. Playing it in offline mode is possible with bots but it would probably be too boring. You can click the link below to download Counter Strike for Windows:

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App Info
  • App Name Counter Strike
  • License Shareware
  • Publisher Valve Corporation
  • Updated Mar 26, 2025
  • Required Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
  • Version 1.6
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